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Best of Me is Yet to Come

For this installment of Picture of the Month I chose this picture of how the best of me is yet to come. Firstly let me apologize that I haven't posted on my blog in a while, I have recently been extremely busy with work and trying to get certain goals accomplished regarding it. Well, I also can't discredit the release of patch 2.1 of Diablo 3 and now the Warlords of Draenor expansion for WoW. Anyhow without further ado please let me jump right into why I like this motivational picture.

 I feel this picture has two messages built into it, both of which are a realistic but inpiriing messages. The first message is how as we start down the path to getting physically healthy and fit we can look forward to discovering the best of ourselves. After I started my endeavor to get in shape and become healthy I learned a great deal of new things about myself and how they can be applied to all sorts of other areas of my life. I learned that working out is hard and you constantly have to apply yourself at it to get results. Despite it being hard, with continued effort and determination you do obtain results each and every day you continue to devote yourself to it. This helped me to unlearn some of the helplessness I had developed and realize that any goal I set my mind to in life can become a reality if only I put my mind to it and continue to pursue it with determination. Besides this mental epiphany I also felt more confident about my physique and had much higher energy levels.

The second message I feel is the "Under Construction" subtext. To me this does tie in with the first message a bit, but this indicates that it takes time and there is a "construction" process that needs to occur along the way. I feel this is the hard hitting realism of the motivational picture. For instance when you decide to start something like working out to get in shape, despite all the bogus bull crap on TV about miracle diets, pills or workouts, it will take time to get there. Sometimes it might seem like a huge undertaking, I know for me it felt that way, but you just need to not overwhelm yourself with how far you must go but on how to get there step by step. Say for instance you were going to build a house by yourself, instead of trying to figure out how to put the house together all at once you would focus on how to build the house one element at a time. You would start off making the foundation, then the floor, then one wall at a time and finally a roof to finish it off. Once I realized how to apply this process to my goals they seemed far less insurmountable.I do this by creating incremental short term goals that I can work on each day or week to continually make progress towards the large end goal. To me that is the beauty of this motivational picture, because once we realize this ABSOLUTELY ANYONE can accomplish their goals. It all boils down to continued determination and working on it bit by bit till you achieve your goal. And this process can be applied to anything from losing weight, getting a new job, creating an invention, or even grandiose things like changing the world!! Hope all reading this find it motivating and have a great day. ^_^