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My Bad Knee.

When I first started working out to get back into shape my right knee was very bad. It was so bad that when I tried to run I was at the risk of hyper extending it backwards. In fact one time when I was playing baseball with my friends it did just that to a minor degree. For a few days it was very sore. It also made me apprehensive to try and stand on just my right leg for fear of it bending backwards. The joint was very sloppy, it caused me pain whenever I tried to move weight with it, and it was much weaker than my left leg (I am right side dominant).

This was a big concern for me as I was starting to do weights. I knew that I had to strengthen it and slowly work it out to get it back to being healthy. Even after starting to do heavy weights on my upper body I was still slowly working on my right leg. For gradual progress I did very light weight and a medium amount of reps. I continued to do my leg exercises but made sure to take it easy with very low weight on the exercises that aggravated it the most. During this recuperation period I made sure to pay very close attention to the aggravation and the pain. If anything at all felt more aggravated than normal I would take additional breaks and do less reps. If it was too much still I would lower the weights even more. If my knee just wasn't feeling up to it sometimes I even had to take a week or two off from doing a particular exercise to let it recuperate

I had to baby my leg along for months but eventually It started getting stronger and having less pain. As the pain gradually got less I would slowly add additional reps first and once I could do more reps I would bump up the weight a little bit. I would rinse and repeat doing more reps up till I could do 15 - 20 reps then up the weight again. I would say it probably took me about 8 to 10 months of this slow progression till my knee started to feel much better and became stronger. After about a year and a half I would say my knee was back to 100% strength and all the pain was gone. It took me a long time but the functionality and strength in my right knee returned. At this point I could stand on my right leg and it would crisply lock into position without me having to worry about it hyper extending because it was so bad. I was then able to get in the gym and start doing some serious leg workouts with squats and leg press.

So if you guys, like me, have certain body parts that ache or are bad make sure you still work them out. Even though it may hurt a little these are the most important places to workout to make sure you get completely healthy again. So when you start don't ignore them, instead start with really low weight and reps and make sure to be very careful as you work them. If you are not sure what to do yourself I would highly recommend talking to a physician or a physical therapist to get advice on what to do and what exercises to use. Also they can give you advice on what to avoid or take easy as well until it starts to heal. And when you start to workout these body parts make sure to be attentive to pain and don't over do it. Injuring yourself further will only set you backwards in your progress.  So make sure to strengthen your weak body parts and be careful while you do it!

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