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Hard Work!

The new PotM is all about hard work!! I really like the message behind this picture, not to mention it is a really cool concept for the art. I do believe this picture ties back to propaganda for WW1 and WW2 when women were needed to fill the roles of the jobs typically done by males since they were all sent off to war. In the traditional poster it was a woman called "Rosie the Riveter" and she was doing this pose saying "We Can Do It!". To view a copy of the original picture click on this LINK and look at entry 21 about two thirds of the way down the page. It was a very famous and iconic image used to help motivate females and promote the power of what women can accomplish (Rock on girls!! ^_^).

Alright back to talking about the message in this picture, Hard Work can out-do Genetics!! I love this statement because it is such a simple truth that so many of us don't fully understand for ourselves and I feel it applied to me also. For a lot of us we think that we are destined to be fat because of bad genes, this couldn't possibly be further from the truth. Yes bad and good genes make a difference in our disposition to put on or lose weight and be in good shape, but bad genes do not make it impossible. Bad genes only make getting in shape slightly more challenging. Ultimately it comes down to diet (mostly diet) and exercise that will determine if we become overweight. Claiming you have bad genes is just an excuse and should be cast aside because they can be overcome!!

This is the beauty of fitness and good health because everyone can attain it. Yes it will take some hard work, a bit of dedication, and willpower but everyone can become healthy and strong if they put their mind to it. For those of us with bad genes we will have to do a bit more hard work than the rest but we can still get there. Results don't just magically happen for anyone, they happen for the people that go out and try hard. So let's all make sure to get out there and work hard and if you do you will see results!! Not only does hard work apply to overcoming genetics and getting in shape, but it applies to everything we do in our lives. So make sure to put forth your best effort everyone and make your health and your life the best one it possibly can be with hard work because you only live once!!

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